
Monday 17 October 2011

audience profile

from the collection of results, i can conclude that 83.3% of my demographic would much prefer R&B music, and that they sometimes spend their money on music. A vast majority of them, spend their income on music; specifically £50 or less. 60% of them very much enjoy watching tv, whilest 40% of them injoy swimming and using the internet regularly. the 20% that use the internet, are more or less captivated with it and use it alot. they are interested in fashion, music, and internet. and they are all girls. at a 50/50 percentage of those who are single and not; most of these people live in a flat.

survey monkey

(analysis of results) survey monkey graphs

Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
Project title:
Hush magazine
Type of production:
A weekly magazine
Purpose of Product:
Gossip magazine for teenage girls ages 14 – 18.
Celebrity gossip – latest on teen idols/ crushes
Fashion tips – new holiday trends
UK Top 40
Film promotion/evaluation
Top 10 new albums
Real life stories – “my mum the axe murderer” etc.
Topics related to demographic audience
Red carpet; who wore what dress best?
Word searches/ Sudoku
Target Audience:
School girls/ college girls 14-18 years of age. Interested in the media, celebrities and gossip.

audience profile

Monday 10 October 2011

TV Proposal

Media Production Proposal
Group names and contact details:
Hinde, Mariam and Co. Limited

Dave Grohl
Josh Homme
John Paul Jones

Project title:
Spooking the dead
Type of programme
Video Programme
Purpose of Product:
transmission - a weekly show, on for an hour.
Each Series features one special guest actor each series which is the main actor. Changes each series, e.g.: tom cruise main character one series, next brad pit.
Narrator, describing the characters thoughts and also mocking them.
Stock footage, shot of people showing up to see something
Feature, showing history of character.
Target Audience:
Caucasian male or female, middle aged, family person. Has a stimulating job.

Rihanna XFactor

Rihanna on x factor by 707ymariama

Video editing with sound

Twilight Radio Editing

my edited twilight radio peice. done deleting and cuting out mistakes

Twilight TV show by 707ymariama

Whats wrong with Jen?

Monday 9 May 2011

mood board-kidz

this is the mood board i have created to represent a magazine including childrens programmes. i have specifically chosen cartoon programs such as toy story and scooby doo, because these programs are very popular in childrens film industies. these programs apeal to the children and dont have a large age limit, and therfore children of most ages are intertained by these films. By using images of these programs, kids are able to be engaed when they see it. the mood board implies that the style of the magazine will be modern with light and vibrant colours. to atract the attention of the children. the images on my mood board, is what reflects the demographic, because youth of oplder ages would not be interested in childrens films.

Monday 7 March 2011

I have used atleast two transitions and effects in my horror vedieo.

Friday 4 March 2011

Editing shot 2

this were the clips were incerted and esembled together, to create the vieo that i edited.

Video Editing

This is how i edited my video using the in and out brackets. I extended the overall time of the video to 20-30 seconds long, to make it a merit/ distinction.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Katy & Russell Wedding 50 words

Katy and Brand went to India to have their wedding, when a brutal tiger charged in the ceremony intruding the occasion. Due to the numbers of guards the animals attempt to destroy the ceremony failed. Russell bought his wife a tiger as a wedding gift. The couple continued to enjoy their wedding.

Monday 10 January 2011

Katy & brand’s Chaos in India

Katy and Brand set out to India to have their perfect wedding, only it didn’t turn out to be so perfect. As a 6 foot brutal tiger came charging in the expensive ceremony intruding in the occasion, the couple were said to have reacted instantly in sending for the security at the premises.  Due to the numerous numbers of guards, despite the undomesticated animals attempt to destroy the ceremony, it failed.
To make up for the unwanted disturbance Russell bought his new wife a tiger as a wedding gift. His naturally wild gift was a shock to the press, however his new wife had already owned a similar tiger called kitty Purry. As a result Russell returns to the safari park where he found the feline and returned the gift. The money was then invested in the animal’s safety and wellbeing. As their day progressed, the couple continued to enjoy their wedding.